Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Useful Skin Care Tips

Useful Skin Care Tips You Should Know

• Sun Protection: Sun plays a major role to deteriorate your skin. You need to protect your skin from the sun in order to prevent the aging of your skin. The sun is largely responsible for wrinkles, dry skin, and blotchy pigmentation; thinning of skin, skin texture, skin dullness, thinning of skin and some other sun related diseases that can make your skin look older.

• Avoid Smoking: This tip is mostly for men as large population of the people into smoking are men. Smoking is directly responsible for yellow and wrinkled skin. Many scientist have suggested that nicotine present in the cigarette has the same influence on elastin as sunlight. how to get rid of acne scars naturally

• Maintain your fitness: With age its quite possible that extra weight can accumulate under the skin, neck or cheeks giving the skin an older look. In order to improve the appearance of your skin you need to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly. You need to have at least eight to ten glasses of water everyday.

• Smile can do wonders: Your face tends to conform to the position or expression that you carry most of the time. If you often frown or get angry your skin is more likely to develop wrinkles between the eyes, lines at the corner of your mouth or other lines that add your frowning expression. how to get rid of scars on legs. In order to avoid such a phase all you have to do is just smile. A Smile can do wonders for your skin and help keep you looking younger.

• Skin Care: Taking care of your skin is very important. You need to wash your face immediately after you had an outing in the sun. Scrubbing your skin dry can help you get rid of the dead cells which could lead to rough skin.

• Sleeping positions: Sleeping on your face can cause sleep wrinkles. Also avoid sleeping in one position for the major part of the night as this could crease your skin. You need to have at least 8 hours sleep everyday.


Sunday, August 2, 2015

20 Simple Wrinkle Erasers

Aging of the skin is a natural process by which the collagen and elastin, that keep our skin looking firm and youthful, begin to decline, this results in wrinkles. Cell production and cell quality also diminish over time resulting in wrinkles.

These factors unfortunately are out of our control, though diet and supplements can slow down the process, but it won’t stop it. how to get rid of scars on face

20 Simple Wrinkle Erasers

The influences that are within our control are largely environmental such as pollution (eg; smoking) and sun damage. Here are 20 easy ways to reduce wrinkles and slow down the aging process.

1.    Stop smoking (It’s #1 for a reason)
2.    Always wear sunscreen whether it’s cloudy or sunny and don’t sunbake.
3.    Hydrate your skin by drinking about 8 glasses of water a day.
4.    Use skin care products that contain antioxidants and AHA's.
5.    Moisturize the skin on your face twice daily.
6.    Reduce stress. (Try reading, exercising, meditating) 15 minutes a day is a good start.
7.    Reduce alcohol consumption. Over indulging can put enormous strain on your system and will accelerate wrinkles forming.
8.    Eat healthily by incorporating plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
9.    Sleep at least 8 hours every night.
10.   Eat fish three times a week. Great for the skin and general health.
11.   Check with your doctor about taking supplements, your diet may be lacking some of the important ones.
12.   Use an eye cream for the delicate skin around the eyes nightly.
13.   Facial scrubs remove the build up of dead cells that can increase the appearance of wrinkles, try this weekly.
14.   Use natural skin care products that will nourish your skin and give it lots of vitamins and minerals to help it stay fresh and healthy.
15.   Jojoba oil resembles the skins natural oils. Dab this around the eyes to keep wrinkles at bay.
16.   Take vitamin C supplements and use products that contain vitamin C, it will help boost your collagen.
17.   Start a good skin care routine in your 20’s. Prevention is easier than the cure.
18.   Honey is known worldwide for it’s beneficial abilities. Use a honey mask weekly. Simply apply the honey to your face and neck and leave for 30 minutes then rinse off. This mask will "feed" your skin with nutrients.
19.    Aloe Vera and Avocado oil both have the ability to prevent the skin from drying out; they are both used to improve the skins elasticity.
20.    A soothing way to help achieve a wrinkle-free face is to lie on your back with your knees elevated by placing a pillow or cushion beneath them.

Try this when you are watching TV or reading.

Read More Tips: Visit Our Blog

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Beauty Pageants Should You Let Your Teen Enter Them

Are you the parent of a teenager, namely a female teen? If you are, has your teen ever mentioned entering into a beauty pageant before? If she recently has, have you given her a decision yet? For many parents, their first though is “no way,” but you should know that beauty pageants are all not as bad as they seem.

When it comes to determining whether or not you should let your teen enter a beauty pageant or even a number of them, you should know that there are a number of pros and cons to doing so. One of those pros or plus sides is the fact that it is something that your teenager wants to do.

If your teenager was the one who brought up a beauty pageant then there is a good chance that it is something that interests them.

Another one of the many pros or plus sides to allowing your teen enter a beauty pageant or even a number of them is because of the rewards. What is nice about beauty pageants is that you don’t just get a trophy or a ribbon, but you also get a cash prize reward.

Beauty Pageants Should You Let Your Teen Enter Them

Instead of cash, some beauty pageants even give out scholarships. If your child is interested in making their own money or if they are interested in going to college, a beauty pageant may actually be able to help them achieve their goals.

Beauty Pageants Should You Let Your Teen Enter Them

While there are a number of pros to letting your teen enter into beauty pageants, there are also a number of cons or downsides to doing so as well. One of those downsides is the work that goes into attending beauty pageants. Now, if your teen was only interested in competing in a local pageant, this may not be as big of an issue for you.

However, there are beauty pageant families out there who actually spend time traveling across the country participating in beauty pageants. While you and your teen can do this if you want, it often places a lot of stress, both emotional and financial, on all family members.

Another one of the cons or downsides to allowing your teen to participate in a beauty pageant is the results. Unfortunately, it seems as there is a stereotype associated with beauty pageants. Many individuals only believe that beauty pageants are for those who are breathtakingly beautiful or skinny. Perhaps, this is due in part to the fashion industry and many beauty pageant judges. how to get perfect skin

Although your teen can participate in a beauty pageant if she wants to, no matter what her appearance is, it is something that you may want to take into consideration. For teens, there is nothing worse or more damaging to one’s self-esteem if they are told or made to feel as if they aren’t pretty or talented enough.

In keeping with the competition, your teen may find it quite difficult to jump right into beauty pageants. A good number of the teens who participate in beauty pageant have done so since they were a toddler or elementary school aged.

While not always, these participants are often more likely to see success than someone who recently decided to enter a beauty pageant. Of course, that doesn’t mean that your teen can’t place high or even win a beauty pageant, but it does mean that they may have a lot of hard work ahead of them.

The above mentioned pros and cons are just a few of the many that exist. If your teen has recently asked you if they could take part in a beauty pageant, it is something that you and the rest of your family may want to seriously consider or at least closely examine.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Acne Skin Care Treatment Prescription Method

It is a well-known fact that most acne sufferers do not seek the professional advice of a qualified doctor to treat their acne condition. The idea here is to consult a skin specialist, also known as a dermatologist, who can give you valuable information, advice and tips on how to treat your acne.

If your acne condition is only moderate and not serious, then you can go for the over-the-counter type of medications. But please do seek the help of a dermatologist if your acne has reached a severe state, where he will recommend some prescription medications.

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However, it is still advisable to go for the prescription method even if your acne is mild, because the prescription method tends to be much more effective than what over-the-counter method can offer.

Acne Skin Care Treatment Prescription Method

There are basically two types of prescription acne skin care treatments, namely antibiotics and ointments. Antibiotics are the common agent used to combat acne, and they can be used as a type of lotion, or taken orally. Ointment prescriptions include ingredients such as zinc or retinoid. how to get rid of acne scars fast


Tetracycline is the most common antibiotic used to treat your acne condition. What the tetracycline does is kill the bacteria which causes the acne, and it also helps to reduce any inflammation which may result from the acne. One thing you should know about antibiotic treatment is that it may take up to a few weeks or even months to see the effect. Not only that, you must continue the antibiotic treatment even after your acne has subsided.

Just like any other medications out there, the tetracycline antibiotic does have side effects. It will increase your skin’s overall sensitivity to sun light, which will lead to severe sun burns if you stay under the sun for a prolonged period. Other possible side effects include dizziness and stomach upset. how to get rid of freckles naturally and fast


Antibiotic ointments generally have lesser complications as compared to oral antibiotics. They are highly useful when it comes to killing the bacteria which caused your acne. When the ointments are used in conjunction with other treatments like benzoyl peroxide, the bacteria may not develop resistance to the antibiotics.


Derived from vitamin A, retinoid can be applied directly onto the skin in the form of creams or lotions. Retinoid medications are particularly useful for treating blackheads and whiteheads by opening up clogged pores. The one common side effect of retinoid is that you will experience dry skin.

If your acne condition is so severe that it doesn’t respond to either antibiotics or ointments, then oral retinoid can be your next option. What an oral retinoid does is to cause the upper most layer of your skin to peel off, and in the process opens up more pores. Oral retinoid can also restrict the body from producing excess sebum, the oily substance which is responsible for your oily skin. Click Here

Oral retinoids must be used with caution, because there are known serious side effects and complications that comes with this type of retinoid. They can cause birth defects if a woman takes them during pregnancy. Other complications include depression and liver damage. So if an acne sufferer is on oral retinoid treatment, then regular medical attention and follow-up is required to make sure that the side effects and complications are reduced to the minimum.

If you are not sure of the reliability of over-the-counter medications, then always seek the advice of your dermatologist who can give you reliable prescription medication, and other advice for the most effective acne skin care treatment for your particular condition.

Read More: summer skin care tips for radiant skin

Monday, March 16, 2015

Natural Home Treatment For Cellulite

Natural Home Treatment For Cellulite


“Cellulite” is a skin condition that gives the appearance of small bumps and ripples under the skin. The bumps are caused by the underlying fat cells growing too large and stretching the natural fiber compartments that hold the skin to the underlying layers of tissues.

“Cellulite” is ordinary fat, but ordinary fat that affects the appearance of the skin. Strands of fibrous collagen tissue connect the skin to the subcutaneous layers and also separate compartments that contain fat cells. When fat cells increase in size, these compartments bulge and produce a rippled appearance of the skin. how to get rid of acne scars naturally

Women tend to have cellulite more often than men because they have a vertical pattern of collagen in the underlying layer that holds the fat cells, and when the fat cells become very large, they bulge out of the chambers and appear as cellulite.

In men, the pattern of collagen is tighter, in a diagonal pattern, and they have thicker skin, so there is less bulging of the individual fat cells. Another factor in cellulite is high levels of estrogen, since this hormone has a direct effect on the holding capacity of fat cells through the increase of alpha-adrenoreceptors, the chemical doorways that tell your fat cells to hold on to their contents. Poor diet, bad circulation, and poor lymphatic circulation can all contribute to the appearance of cellulite.


There are several extra steps you can take for the treatment of cellulite. Consider your skin care regimen, and fine-tune it to meet the needs of skin that has a tendency to swell with fluids, store fat and have poor circulation.

Nutrition: Although cellulite is a skin condition, it’s closely tied to the storage of excess fat. If you are significantly overweight, you should certainly alter your diet. The dietary enzyme bromelain can improve overall circulation to your skin and adipose tissues by removing the buildup of fibrin on the walls of blood vessels.

Treating cellulite requires a two-pronged approach – one being the shrinking of the fat cells themselves, the second being the regeneration of collagen and strengthening of the skin outside of the swollen fat cells.

Cleansing: When cleaning your skin, use your wash cloth or loufah to massage the area where cellulite occurs. At first, use a circular motion and then a brushing motion upwards towards the bowels. This will improve circulation and edema, and help remove toxins and metabolic wastes out of the tissues and interstitial spaces around the collagen and fat cells.

Other Treatments:

– Dry Skin Brushing: Learn to dry brush your skin at least twice every day – upon rising and before going to bed. Skin brushing provides many benefits in the treatment of cellulite. First of all, it’s “exercise” for you skin, and strengthens the underlying dermis and pattern of collagen in the subcutaneous layer. It stimulates the growth and repair of the tissues by increasing blood flow to the area.

It also helps remove toxins and metabolic wastes out of the interstitial fluids surrounding the tissues for disposal. Dry brushing is good for you skin all over, but if you are suffering from spider or varicose veins, brushing these areas vigorously several times every day, first in a circular motion and then upwards towards the colon, can improve the appearance of cellulite.

– Hormones: Cellulite is often associated with the use of HRT and birth control pills. High levels of estrogen from these medications can cause an increase in the fatty tissues ability to store fats and cause them to bulge, pushing out the skin and causing cellulite.

If you are using birth control pills for contraception, you may want to ask your doctor for a lower-estrogen dose formula or a non-hormonal form, such as an IUD. If you are on HRT, you may want to consider switching to a lower dose, adding progesterone cream, or using a weaker formula, such as an estrone cream.

– Habits: Get out of the habit of crossing your legs, knees and ankles. This reduces circulation and increases swelling. Try to keep moving regularly, neither sitting nor standing for long periods.

– Exercise: Regular exercise is necessary for the improvement of cellulite. Not only does it help reduce the appearance of cellulite by burning the fatty acids that are causing the cellulite. It also improves circulation and helps to remove toxin-filled wastes away from the skin. Take up a walking program, or sneaking in a set of exercises in the restroom during breaks.

– Body Wraps: Body wraps, both professional and homemade can improve the appearance of cellulite. Body wraps use a combination of minerals and herbs that stimulate the fat cells to release their contents, they absorb toxins from the skin and reduce swelling. Generally you will find stimulant herbs like kelp or algae that stimulate the fat burning process in the cells.

You will find cosmetic clays that will remove toxins and wastes from the pores, and horsetail and horse chestnut that reduce edema (swelling) and provide minerals for strengthening the skin. These formulas are applied to the skin with the use of compression wraps. For recipes for doing home wraps, go to the Botanical Beauty Lab website.

– Massage: Massage, particularly the kind that improves lymph flow, is very good for reducing the appearance of cellulite. It improves the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the interstitial tissues around the adipose tissues, and gives the skin a smoother appearance.

There are many professionals offering massage for cellulite, including lymphatic massage and endermology, but if that is out of your budget, you may want to try a home massage device. Many are available, from a simple round-prong hand tool to a powered massager that provides heat, massage and suction similar to the professional endermology machines.


Alfalfa: Alfalfa is a natural diuretic that helps balance the body’s interstitial fluids and reduces edema and swelling. It’s also a phytoprogesterone, which helps balance the excess estrogen that can exacerbate cellulite.

Borage Oil: Borage oil contains high amounts gamma linoleic acid, which is an important fatty acid to the strengthening of cell walls. how to get rid of freckles permanently

Bromelain: Bromelain is a naturally occurring enzyme in natural foods that aid in the digestion of proteins. The consumption of bromelain aids in the removal of fibrin buildup in fine blood vessels. This improves and increases circulation to the skin, and aids in repair and rejuvenation.

Horsetail: Horse Chestnut herb contains high levels of the mineral silica, which is used in the repair and maintenance of skin cells.

Cider Vinegar contains an array of important enzymes and aids in balancing body pH. It’s also a good source of potassium, which is necessary for fluid balance in the body.

Coconut Oil contains medium chain triglycerides which are easily absorbed and used by the body for fuel. It has the capability of stimulating the thyroid gland, which increases body temperature and metabolism and is known for improving the burning of excess fat.

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural blood thinner that increases the microcirculation to skin and fat cells.

Gotu Kolu is a natural source of caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the beta-adrenoreceptors on the surface of the fat cells to release their stores of fatty acids, aiding in the burning of excess fat.

Green Tea: Green tea is a mild stimulate that contains caffeine as well as powerful antioxidants that aid in the proper replication and repair of skin cells.

MSM: Is an important mineral that is necessary for skin cell repair.


Aloe Vera contains alatoin, which sooths and heals skin. It has been shown clinically to increase microcirculation of the skin and to speed healing of skin tissues.

Betonite Clay is a natural mineral clay that is known for its ability to absorb impurities and toxins from the skin through the pores.

Horsetail, ginkgo biloba, kelp and green tea also work externally and can be added to lotions or creams for massage into problem areas.

Many experts have recommended using coffee grounds as a scrub for cellulite prone areas. The grounds work as an exfoliant, as the caffeine absorbs into the skin and stimulate the beta adrenoreceptors in the fat cells to release their contents.

Dead Sea Salts and Kelp or bladderwrack contain powerful minerals that aid in the repair of skin cells as well as the mineral iodine which can aid in the metabolism of the underlying fat cells.

There are also many commercial formulas and methods for the reduction of cellulite.

Most contain caffeine or a similar chemical called theophylline or aminophylline.

Many also contain kelp, bladderwrack and other herbs mentioned herein.

Just remember that cellulite reduction is a two step process. The cause of cellulite is over-sized fat cells that have stretched out the collagen structure underlying the skin. The first step is to reduce bodyfat, and many herbs and nutrients both external and external can accelerate the process.

The second step is to increase the strength of the skin and the collagen webs under the subcutaneous tissues. Skin and collagen require vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to rebuild themselves properly. Excess fluids can exacerbate the problem, so proper fluid intake and circulation is important.

Drink plenty of fluids, and stay active to increase the circulation of the lymph system. With a little diligent effort the appearance of cellulite can be reduced.

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Friday, March 13, 2015

The Whole Truth Regardingteens With Acne

The Whole Truth Regardingteens With Acne

Teenagers are the most common age group suffering from acne. Androgens, a hormone that begins production at puberty, is a major cause of acne. Unfortunately for males, they tend to produce more androgens and develop more severe acne than females.

how to get nice skin without makeup. Extra oils that contribute to acne, are also produced at puberty. These oils mixed with dirt and dead skin cause the pore blockage which causes acne. Some females will get break-outs around the time of their monthly period.

This is caused by the hormone fluctuations caused by menstruation. Fortunately for females with hormonal break-outs, birth control can help to maintain a steady level of hormones.

A common misconception about teens with acne is that they have bad hygiene or eat a lot of greasy food. This is only a myth, and proves untrue for most people. Wash your face twice a day, especially after exercise, to get rid of excess oil. Avoid harsh soaps that can irritate and damage skin. Never pick your face because this could lead to increased irritation and life-long scarring.

how to get rid of freckles naturally and fast. Stress can be a cause of acne for teens. Unfortunately, this is an inevitably stressful phase of life. Teens with acne suffer from the emotional side of acne just as much as the physical side. Your face is the first thing that most people see when they look at you.

Low self-esteem is a problem that almost all teens with acne will battle with. Depression over acne can cause withdrawal from social interactions, decreased attendance in school, and general avoidance of family and friends. Some teens develop social anxiety that can interfere with every aspect of day to day life.

The Whole Truth Regardingteens With Acne

Some teens with acne decide to purchase topical cleansers from the store when they first start to develop acne. Sensitive skin will not react well with most over-the-counter treatments. It can cause itching, redness, burning, and general worsening of the condition.

how to get clear skin at home. If the acne does not clear up after a few weeks of usage, you should consult a dermatologist. He/She can prescribe a more effective antibiotic that is more suited to the individual problem. Everyone’s skin if different so it may take more than one try to find what is right for you.

Common treatments suggested for teens with acne are Benzoyl Peroxide and retinoids. Benzoyl Peroxide kills acne causing bacteria and is used topically. Retinoids, such as Accutaine or Roaccutane, unclog pores and helps the process of skin renewal. There are side effects with using retinoids, such as depression, so usage is closely monitored by a dermatologist.

how to get rid of acne scars black skin. Acne is not the end of the world. It is completely normal and so common that people really don’t look down on others for not having perfect skin. Some teens with acne grow out of it before they finish high school. Others will grow out of it by the time they reach adulthood.

Almost every case of acne can be treated effectively and if acne scars happen to form, there are also treatments available to reconstruct the smoothness of your skin.